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Just sign-up, and you can win FREE federal and state tax preparation + 8 other prizes.

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8 different amazing prizes!

Everyone who enters wins a prize.

A secret GUARANTEED way to win the GRAND PRIZE. Enter for details.

the grand prize

Free Professional Tax Preparation

→ Valued up to $500+ (depending on how you file)
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2nd prize

$200 Dining Gift Card

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3rd prize

$100 Dining Gift Card

→ Choose from 100's of restaurants
→ Split up between multiple purchases
→ Dine-in, Dine-out, and Delivery restaurants available

WAIT! There are more ways to win!

Collect 3,500 Points – Unlock a $350 dining gift card or 100% FREE tax prep

Collect 2,000 Points – Unlock a $200 dining gift card or 60% off tax prep

Collect 1,000 Points – Unlock a $100 dining gift card or 30% off tax prep

Collect 500 Points – Unlock a $50 dining gift card or 15% off tax prep

Collect 250 Points – Unlock a $20 dining gift card or 10% off tax prep


Enter → Share → Complete Tasks → Collect Points → WIN Prizes!!

About the event

With tens of thousands of entrepreneurs and investors, the Tech-Conference Live event is one of the largest conferences in Silicon Valley for starting your startup, learning how to pitch VCs, find engineers and co-founders and launching your product to the rest of the world.

We explore the ways in which startups and technology driven businesses drive traffic through PR, early adopters and influencers.


Emily Hunt
Job description

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec venenatis velit metus. 

George Philipe
Job description

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec venenatis velit metus. 

Heinrik Ibsen
Job description

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec venenatis velit metus. 

Daina Arts
Job description

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec venenatis velit metus. 

Dan Michaels
Job description

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec venenatis velit metus. 

Irena Pollock
Job description

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec venenatis velit metus. 

Charlie Dow
Job description

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec venenatis velit metus. 

Christina Ricky
Job description

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec venenatis velit metus. 

Save your spot

Don't miss out! Tickets are selling like pop-tarts.

Day #1

$ 150
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur eli venenatis velit metus. Morbi non augue non sapien volutpat

Day #2

$ 180
  • Duis quis eros ut orci lacinia dapibus. Donec tempor at tellus vitae molestie. Phasellus lorem pharetra eu.

Full event

$ 240
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ut orci lacinia dapibus. Donec tempor at tellus vitae molestie phasellus cursus
I really loved the fact that all the insights I had missed in the previous year was delivered right on the spot in the various shows and by the professional speakers.
Paul Dean
Job description
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